Ya know, this says as much about Islamic attitudes towards men as it does about their attitude towards women: apparently, we're naught but testosterone driven sex machines, who can think of nothing else when interacting with the fairer sex.
Unless, of course, we're thinking about the good price we'll get for selling our virgin daughters into an arranged marriage.
But am I the only one to notice the distinct correspondence of these attitudes with those of our native fundie Christians? Isn't this fellow just crudely mouthing the old saw we've heard here that a womans place is in the home? Check out some of the drivel by James Dobson, Pat Robertson or the American "Family" Association - I shan't provide links: Google is your friend. You'll soon see what I'm driving at - the only thing that's different is the theological window dressing - the "moral" positions are nearly identical.
The only thing that scares me more than Islamic terrorists is the thought that they might get together with their fundie Christian brothers-in-law, and join forces. That would be the herald of a new Dark Age.
One of Australia's senior-most Islamic clerics has triggered outrage after comments reported Thursday comparing women who do not wear a headscarf to "uncovered meat" who invite rape.
09:09 /Asatru | 0 comments | permanent link