Fri, 17 Dec 2004

Ban sought on potent pesticide

Potent? I guess you could say it's potent:

Compound 1080 originally was developed as a rat poison in Nazi-controlled territory in the 1940s, and some research indicates Nazis considered using it to kill people in Holocaust death camps before deciding it was too dangerous for guards, according to Brooks Fahy of the Oregon-based Predator Defense, which wants the poison outlawed.

We have a fairly serious predator problem, and have never resorted to poisoning our land. This is a cure that's worse than the disease. And not only from an enviromental point of view, but for it's security implications as well. Note that most agencies, when contacted, disclaimed jurisdiction. How do you say "passing the buck"?

The small factory at the end of Burton Street doesn't look like much from the outside, but its product is getting attention from Washington to the other side of the world.

(link) [CNN]

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