Tue, 12 Apr 2005

Beer giant threatens boycott over 'medicinal' grain

Damn! I can't stomach Bud, but I may have to buy one anyway! It's rare to find a corporate giant looking beyond the next quarterly statement, but the brewer of Budweiser is obviously staring extinction in the face. Imagine the lawsuits if this stuff got loose and into America's favorite brew and constipated every NASCAR fan who swilled a cold one!

But what absolutely amazes me if this tidbit:

Despite the concerns, the Missouri Farm Bureau has continued to support Ventria, which recently announced it was moving from Sacramento, California to Northwest Missouri State University. There it will become the anchor tenant of a new center for plant-made pharmaceuticals.

This despite a petition signed by nearly every rice grower in the state - all members of Missouri Farm Bureau. I gotta wonder how much cash and political favor is being passed around in some back room.

Anheuser-Busch Cos., the nation's No. 1 buyer of rice as well as its largest brewer, says it won't buy rice from Missouri if genetically-modified medicinal crops are allowed to be grown in the state.

(link) [CNN]

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