Fri, 13 Jun 2003

Cow Farts

From CNN comes this bit of scientific stupidity.

No, it's not stupid to point out that cattle produce methane: but the solutions proposed are nothing short of idiotic:

In Nebraska, it's been three years since Ragsdale and fellow researchers James Takacs and Jess Miner had the idea of reducing methane by blocking enzymes in the cow's rumen that are necessary to produce it.

That compound would be delivered in an additive to cattle feed, a process the researchers have patented. They are now working with a commercial partner to develop a viable formula.

They have tested over 200 compounds in the last 18 months, trying to find the right formula that blocks the methane but doesn't harm the beneficial microbes in the cow's rumen.

GasX for cows! What's next - BeanO for the bacon?

Of course, the next "logical" step here is genetic engineering.... like featherless chickens.

What more can I say?

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