Tue, 04 Jan 2005

City kids take to studying agriculture

This ain't a bad thing. The FFA is a wonderful organization, and it does a lot of good to help keep country kids in rural areas after high school and college. Hopefully it can help repopulate some of our agricultural areas with this initiative.

But it is kinda troubling that they're teaching alot of "soft ag" - landscaping and the like - although they are making an effort at more core disciplines. And the remarks of the kids, like those of kids thinking about any kind of future, bother me. "Show me the money..." is hardly the basis for a career choice, in the not so humble opinion of this middle aged grandpa. But what do I know - it's not like I've ever been there or done that or anything. (Sorry if any sarcasm dripped on your keyboard, but I just couldn't help myself.)

Inside a greenhouse in Toledo, Ohio, high school students studying hydroponics are growing lettuce and basil without soil.

(link) [CNN]

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