Thu, 12 May 2005

Wool Biopolishing Process Scratches the Itch Factor

I'm not sure there's anything that can revive the American wool industry, but this is a good start. One interesting side note: I see where the process was developed by a government agency, and was then patented. I didn't think that government could own patents - it does seem slightly unfair for my tax dollars to pay for the research that I'm them unable to avail myself of, eh?

From the agency that brought you permanent-press cotton and permanent creases in wool trousers in the 1960s comes an exciting new breakthrough. Researchers at the ARS Eastern Regional Research Center in Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania, have developed a biopolishing method that makes scratchy wool feel silky smooth. Not only does it remove the itch factor, it also bleaches the wool to a high level of whiteness and alters the surface of wool fibers to make them shrink-proof.

(link) [Science Blog]

/Agriculture | 2 writebacks | permanent link

On 5/12/2005 09:52:35
Jan Egil Kristiansen wrote

"the fabric’s mechanical properties are not changed"

On 5/12/2005 10:20:09
Dave H wrote

Good point


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