Mon, 28 May 2007

Skimmed milk -- Straight from the cow

Possible, I suppose, but I find it a bit hard to believe. The reason is simple: this cows calves wouldn't survive. No fat, no energy - the equation for newborn mammals is really that simple.

But what this really highlights is that no "mad scientist" lab is required for "genetic engineering" - farmers and ranchers have been doing it for tens of thousands of years.

Herds of cows producing skimmed milk could soon be roaming our pastures, reports Cath O’Driscoll in Chemistry & Industry, the magazine of the SCI. Scientists in New Zealand have discovered that some cows have genes that give them a natural ability to produce skimmed milk and plan to use this information to breed herds of milkers producing only skimmed milk.

(link) [EurekAlert!]

/Agriculture | 1 writeback | permanent link

On 5/29/2007 09:01:49
Arwin wrote

Milk factory


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