Shaggy protesters baaaa-ttle urban sprawl
Yeah, I suppose food is "offbeat" news. I mean, why don't these people join the 21st century, lock the sheep in feedlots, transport them by rail or truck and force feed them expensive grain rather than letting them roam free on pasture?
Besides, people in the cities don't need to see these disgusting creatures - except prepackaged as lamb chops in the freezer case of the local supermarket. That's where food comes from, after all.
(Please allow me to sincerely apologize if any of the sarcasm in this post dripped off of the screen and gummed up your keyboard.)
On a weekend of street rallies in Spain -- Basques demanding independence, right-wingers nostalgic for the late Francisco Franco, pyramid-scheme investors who lost bundles -- on Sunday it was time for sheep to come forward and bleat.
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