Oh yeah, this is a solution - NOT! To eliminate "mad cow" there's no need to engineer a "happy cow" - we can make the cows we've got very happy if we'd just stop force feeding them meat. They're herbivores, for Pete's sake! What a concept! Of course, it would seriously interfere with corporate plans to industrialize all of Nature. So we'd best take the corporate approach and engineer an new cow.
Scientists are trying to clone cattle that are genetically incapable of developing "Mad Cow Disease." As federal and state government officials grapple with strategies to limit the economic and health risks associated with the troublesome discovery of the nation's first case of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) – or "Mad Cow Disease"-- scientists in Virginia are conducting important research with the little understood molecules believed to cause the deadly brain-wasting disease.
(link) [Science Blog]
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