Researchers create pigs that produce heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids
I have no doubt that omega-3 fatty acids are really good things to be chowing down - but what I do doubt is the necessity of genetically engineering pigs to produce them. It's not necessary at all, you see, unless you're feeding the pig the "modern", factory farming way.
Livestock that ranges naturally produces omega-3 fatty acids in abundance - they stop producing them when we start stuffing them full of the bovine (or ovine or porcine) equivalent of junk food: grains and sweet feeds. It even works for eggs.
But, of course, free range, grass based agriculture doesn't scale well - we need "food factories", not farms, so that our agribusiness corporations can run them from Wall Street. But hey! At least it's cheap! And our geneticists get to play with Frankenfoods, to fix the problems caused by the accountants...what fun!
Researchers report they have created pigs that produce omega-3 fatty acids, representing the first cloned transgenic livestock in the world that can make the beneficial compound known to improve heart function and help reduce the risks for heart disease. The research could be a boost to both farmers and health-conscious consumers seeking an alternative and safer source of omega-3 fatty acids.
(link) [EurekAlert!]
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