Wed, 16 Aug 2006

Ranchers: Wolves scaring sheep skinny

Not sure what to think about this ... some years my sheep are dogged by coyotes on a daily basis, and some years they aren't, and I've not noticed any difference in overall flock weight gains. But then again we raise primitive breeds, which tend to stick together much tighter than modern breeds anyway, and also to be a bit smaller and "tougher" (they're horned, and can do a pretty good job of taking care of themselves once they reach a certain age).

But the one thing about this piece I must not let pass is the category than CNN placed it in on their site. Apparently raising America's food supply is considered "Offbeat"...

Since wolves returned to roaming the Northern Rockies more than a decade ago, ranchers say they've observed a disturbing trend: Fear of the predators is causing sheep and cattle to be scared skinny.

(link) [ - Offbeat]

/Agriculture | 4 writebacks | permanent link

On 8/16/2006 10:49:47
Arwin wrote

What can I say?

On 8/16/2006 15:01:00
Stephen Williamson wrote

On 8/16/2006 17:05:31
Bjorngrímnir wrote

On 8/17/2006 11:27:29
Walter Jeffries wrote


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