Fear and Loathing About Biofuels
So many myths, so little time...
There are actually efforts underway to produce ethanol from peas - despite the fact that they produce less than corn, which produces far less than sugar. Only ethanol from sugar cane actually produces more energy than it takes to make it, so of course we're concentrating on corn.
The article's dead on. Biofuels alone are not going to "solve" the energy crisis. It's going to take a range of solutions, including [gasp!] conservation. And we'd just better get used to it.
Some researchers bash ethanol and other alternative fuels for not being able to solve the United States' oil needs single-handedly. They should be railing about reducing consumption instead.
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/Agriculture | 2 writebacks | permanent link
On 7/16/2006 15:44:44
Walter Jeffries wrote
On 7/16/2006 19:24:21
Stephen Williamson wrote