Sun, 04 Sep 2005

Evidence Dinosaurs Are Like Giant Chicks

Feathered DinosaurThis is pretty old news: the image at the left comes from this press release dated April, 2001.

But it's still pretty scary to anybody who knows anything about poultry. I've seen my hens gang up on a barn cat with a kill, and take the kill away from it to eat for themselves! Most people are under the impression that chickens are vegetarians: this simply is not true. They're omnivores, and they can, and will, eat nearly anything.

Imagining a six foot chicken with an appetite and an attitude is the stuff my nightmares are made out of...

timesonline reports the new "irrefutable" fossil evidence of dino's resembling "giant chicks" more then reptiles as formerly accepted. Gareth Dyke: "The way these creatures are depicted can no longer be considered scientifically accurate," he said. "All the evidence is that they looked more like birds than reptiles. Tyrannosaurs might have resembled giant chicks."

(link) [Slashdot]

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