Fri, 23 Apr 2004

Ethanol From Waste Straw

The article referenced contends that:

...conventional corn and grain-based ethanol requires as much energy to produce as it releases when burnt, once the energy for tractors and pesticides are taken into account.

Ethanol from farm waste is an important breakthrough, no doubt about it. But if our goal is to conserve our petroleum reserves, perhaps a simpler solution would be to return to a less energy intensive agriculture. It could be done, too, while retaining reasonably high levels of productivity. Of course, it would be more labor intensive, which would mean a resurgence of the family farm, both in the US and abroad (where Third World smallholders have a terrible time competing aginst multi-national agribusinesses).

But it would also cut the oil companies out of the loop - so don't look for it to happen anytime soon.

The CBC is reporting that 'Iogen Corporation of Ottawa has developed enzymes to break down waste straw and wood chips into ethanol on a commercial scale.

(link) [Slashdot]

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