Fri, 09 Apr 2004

Angry cows make tough steaks

Hey! I got an idea! Why don't we stop giving them an attitude! We could begin by feeding them what they're supposed to eat (grass, not other cows), and maybe even go so far as to not transport them across the country for slaughter in cramped cattle trucks. We might even stop prodding them with electric prods to force them down the chutes!

They'd certainly be happier, and so, apparently, would we. What a concept!

Steers with a bad attitude -- those that are difficult to handle in pens and race out of handling chutes -- will likely be tough eating, according to a cooperative study between Texas A&M University System and Mississippi State University researchers. "The correlation between high-exit speeds and toughness was substantial," said Dr. Ron Randel, researcher with the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station at Overton.

(link) [Science Blog]

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