You Commit Three Felonies a Day

If one was serious about "change", all one would need to do is to insure that the government enforced all of the laws on the books, all of the time. Real change would follow in short order if we the people actually had to live by all the rules our elected overlords have foisted on us over the years.

When we think about the pace of change in technology, it's usually to marvel at how computing power has become cheaper and faster or how many new digital ways we have to communicate. Unfortunately, this pace of change is increasingly clashing with some of the slower-moving parts of our culture.

(link) [Wall Street Journal]

19:58 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link

Peak Wood

Philosophy meets technology - how far will pure hubris carry us?

The idea of no limits to resources like wood and oil derived from technological advances such as metallurgy, domestication of animals, the wheel and sails for ships. Thanks to such technological advances, humanity began to believe it had moved beyond nature.

(link) [Miller-McCune]

07:12 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link