Change Is On The Way

We're in the process of rearranging our phone/Internet services, so if things go quiet on the blog (they shouldn't, but I've done enough network hacking to know that it's a distinct possibility) that's what's happening.

For those interested, my cell phone number will make the move, but the home number will change. I'll try to get new numbers out by email, but in case I don't, just drop me a note.

19:56 /Home | 0 comments | permanent link

Homeless find temporary haven in tent camps

Hoovervilles. Here. In the 21st century. I've lived to see a lot of things I'd never have believed possible in my youth, but this takes the cake. Depression, indeed.

In cities across the country, people with nowhere to live have done what many would have thought unthinkable before the economic crisis: moved into tents.

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19:12 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link