
His Imperial Majesty Emperor Norton I

22:35 /Home | 0 comments | permanent link

School officials in prayer case could get jail time

If I were a school principal, and I stood up at lunch, quieted the room, and offered a prayer to Ingvi-Freyr, I would expect to be fired. If the school district were properly run, there'd be no need to jail these morons, as they would never have had the opportunity to defy a court order. They'd be unemployed.

But what really burns me up about these kinds of cases is the sure knowledge that the same folks bemoaning the jailing of these men for a "simple prayer" would be leading the charge for their jailing had they prayed to the wrong god(s).

Maybe they'll get cellmates named "Bubba"...

Two Florida school administrators were due to appear in federal court Thursday to face contempt charges for saying a prayer at a school luncheon.

(link) []

21:53 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link

Smoke-Free Planet

The real motivation behind the nannies is revealed, and it has nothing to do with "second hand smoke":

"We don't think our children should have to be watching someone smoke."

Apparently, just seeing someone smoke or use tobacco is so evil that it's to be restricted in movies as well!

Nanny knows best! Nothing to see here - move along!

Hey, you! Stop smoking in my atmosphere!
That's the message from New York City, where the mayor and health commissioner have just released a policy agenda called "Take Care New York 2012." Page 10 of the document says the city's health department "will work with the city's Department of Parks and Recreation and other entities to expand smoke-free spaces to include city parks and public beaches." The city council speaker is very interested in the idea, but her help might not be necessary if the parks department can implement the ban as a regulation.

(link) [Slate]

via MyAppleMenu:Reader

06:29 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link

Programmer's Battles Could Lead to Better Jobs

Now this is an interesting idea ...

Can competing for a job be fun? Coders might enjoy the challenge of Trollim, a programming skills assessment and comparison platform that launched here Tuesday.

(link) [Internet News]

06:19 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link