Duke Nukem developer goes bust

They haven't gone under, they've just changed the name of their next product to "Duke Nukem Never" ...

Video games developer 3D Realms goes bust due to lack of funds after 12 years working on the game Duke Nukem Forever

(link) [BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition]

10:09 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link

Chinese officials obliged to smoke

It's true: gradually, worldwide, we are reaching a state where everything that is not forbidden is mandatory. And some things will be both...

The Chinese county of Gong'an has launched a novel way of injecting funds into local coffers: it is ordering officials and teachers to smoke only the homegrown Hubei brand of cigarettes.

(link) [The Register]

09:16 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link

Brit software group swallows Borland for $67m

Borland will someday be a textbook example for MBA students on how not to manage a company. They had a huge technology lead, market dominating products and in less than a decade they completely blew it.

And while the company that bought the remains is known for it's COBOL products, I doubt that they had a "Turbo COBOL" compiler in mind with this purchase. Fare thee well, Borland, and thanks for the memories.

Micro Focus has bought Borland for $67m and is also buying the application testing business of Compuware.

(link) [The Register]

09:10 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link

Sorry for the lack of posts...

but I've been extremely busy, both at work and on the farm. Just glancing over the archives, I think this is the longest stretch I've gone without posting since I started the blog in February of 2003. Alas, it will probably continue thusly for a bit longer. But as Sam Clemens once quipped, "Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated!".

08:32 /Home | 0 comments | permanent link