McCain compares Obama to European socialists

Gag me. If I'm not mistaken, Senator McCain cast a "yes" vote in the recent decision to essentially nationalize our banking system. To be fair, so did Senator Obama. And unless I'm drastically wrong, nationalized banks are a hallmark of any state socialist system.

And ya gota love John-Boy excoriating Obama over his "tax the wealthy, give to the poor" plans. As opposed to McCain's tax the poor and give to the wealthy. Either way you cut the cookie, it's redistribution of wealth, another hallmark of a socialist system.

So it seems to me we already know what they both are - we're just haggling over the price we've gonna have to pay.

Reuters - Republican presidential candidate John McCain compared Barack Obama to socialist leaders in Europe on Saturday, saying his rival wants to raise taxes on the wealthy to give money to the poor.

(link) [Yahoo! News: Top Stories]

16:37 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link

RIAA Decries Texas Woman as 'Vexatious' for Demanding File Sharing Trial

There's a vexatious litigant here alright, but methinks it's not the defendant.

The Recording Industry Association of America is calling a Texas woman "vexatious" for wanting to defend herself at trial against a file sharing charge instead of settling for $7,400. The woman is now a 22-year-old university student, and the allegations concern her use of a file sharing program when she was allegedly between 14 and 16 years old.

(link) [Wired: Top Stories]

07:49 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link