14:43 /Humor | 0 comments | permanent link
I owe something of a debt to Mr. Camejo, though we disagreed at least modestly on nearly everything political.
I was already active in the Libertarian Party in 1976, having sat in on the founding meeting of the Indiana branch (in the Love Furniture Store in Zionsville, for the historically curious, hosted by a gentleman by the name of Paul Hyatt). But despite our best efforts, ballot access was denied us, and I was facing in the voting booth a choice between Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter or Peter J. Camejo of the Socialist Workers Party.
I figured the latter choice would be a great protest vote - and I just couldn't bring myself to pull the handle for either Ford or Carter. So the SWP and Peter Camejo got my first vote in a Presidential election.
In looking over the results the next day, I noticed that Ford carried the county easily - and that Mr. Camejo received exactly zero votes. And thanks to the "secret ballot", I could not even protest that!
It was Peter Camejo was provided proof positive to me that elections not only can be rigged, but are, even in the United States. And that started me on the road to left libertarian anarchism, the road I still travel today.
So thanks, Pete, and rest in peace.
Mr. Camejo, a Green Party leader, was a third-party candidate in three California gubernatorial elections before becoming Ralph Nader’s running mate in 2004.
(link) [New York Times]10:22 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link
What's next? Demanding a surgically implanted RFID tag to match show to foot and prevent "unauthorized" wear?
Apple has applied for a patent to - no joke - extend digital rights management to tennis shoes and other articles of clothing. "What is desired," the patent application says, "is a method of electronically pairing a sensor and an authorized garment."
(link) [Rough Type]10:03 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link