Don't just think of them as defects, treat them that way. Because they are! Doh!
ZDNet Zero-Day blogger Nate McFeters has asked the question, 'Should vulnerabilities be treated as defects?' McFeters claims that if vulnerabilities were treated as product defects, companies would have an effective way of forcing developers and business units to focus on security issue. McFeters suggests providing bonuses for good developers, and taking away from bonuses for those that can't keep up. It's an interesting approach that if used, might force companies to take a stronger stance on security related issues.
(link) [Slashdot]09:22 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link
Hmmm, should I go Yule shopping early?
Buyers looking to round out their evil toy collection should make room on the shelf for Mr. Clock Radio, "The Talking Robotic Clock Radio." Mr. Clock Radio will rouse you into grim consciousness with 50 variations of soul-crushing banter and music delivered in his hellish howl from the abyss.
(link) [Wired]09:20 /Humor | 0 comments | permanent link