Pringles Can Designer Dies, Buried In a Pringles Can

The guy who thought of putting potato chips in a can is certainly worthy of a remembrance in my technology section. RIP.

Dr. Fredric J. Baur was so proud of having designed the container for Pringles... that he asked his family to bury him in one. His children honored his request. Part of his remains was buried in a Pringles can — along with a regular urn containing the rest... Dr. Baur, a retired organic chemist and food storage technician who specialized in research and development and quality control for Procter & Gamble, died May 4 at 89... He developed many products, including frying oils and a freeze-dried ice cream, for P&G... But the Pringles can was his proudest accomplishment, his daughter said. He received a patent for the package as well as the method of packaging Pringles in 1970.

(link) [Slashdot]

18:44 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link

Christian group in a froth over Starbucks' 'slutty' siren logo

What a bunch of morons. Going to their website, which I refuse to link, brings up the worst of the "black helicopters are on their way with UN troops to enslave our children" idiocy.

As for the evolution of the logo in question, see for yourself. I did find it interesting that it was baed on a Nordic design with allegedly pagan connections...

US coffee chain Starbucks comes under fire for a new logo that critics say is offensive and overly graphic.

(link) [BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition]

18:39 /Asatru | 0 comments | permanent link