Having wrestled with Vista at work for nearly a year now, I can assure you that I will never install it on a machine I own . It worse than pointless, it's positively aggressive in it's stupidity.
Several anonymous readers writes pointed us at CNET UK's Crave blog for a list of what is or was, in their opinion, the worst consumer tech in history. Vista comes in at number 10, in company with Apple's puck mouse (number 6) and Sony's CD rootkit (number 9). According to Crave: "[Vista's] incompatibility with hardware, its obsessive requirement of human interaction to clear security dialogue box warnings and its abusive use of hated DRM, not to mention its general pointlessness as an upgrade, are just some examples of why this expensive operating system earns the final place in our terrible tech list." That's gotta hurt a little, coinciding as it does with Apple's Don't Give Up On Vista attack ad.
(link) [Slashdot]08:04 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link
Perhaps the folks who set up these "test names" should be charged with sex crimes themselves. It's obvious they were fucking Goofy...
They say your past always catches up with you in the end - something one Sue Jones of Grand Junction, Colorado, can certainly attest.
(link) [The Register]07:52 /Humor | 2 comments | permanent link