Wow - he just got a dose of truth serum (note the interesting lack of any details there) and all of a sudden his former life comes flooding back ... and who were this Satanic abductors, anyway, and where are they now?
Isn't another way to say "lacking credibility", "incredible"? It fits!
The mayor of an Arkansas town resigned on Wednesday, claiming he was abducted and brainwashed by Satan worshippers nearly three decades ago.
(link) [Northwest Arkansas News]
13:02 /Humor | 0 comments | permanent link
Good grief - cluelessness knows no bounds.
The Copyright Alliance, which counts the MPAA and RIAA amongst its members, has sent letters and questionnaires to presidential candidates in an effort to determine where they stand on issues relating to intellectual property law.
(link) [Ars Technica]12:54 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link
Excellent thought for Thanksgiving Day: quality over quantity, indeed.
Agribusiness has morphed into a plate-centric culture, consuming as much as you can, the cheaper the better. The things I seek on my life list may be gone in the wake of an industrialized food system. Mass production and economies of scale make farms look like factories; perfection is lost in the abundance. I want to believe that, in the end, quality still matters.
(link) [Los Angles Times]
10:08 /Agriculture | 0 comments | permanent link