Death by Political Correctness

How to kill a college.

It is 9:30 on a sunny Monday morning in October, a time, day, and month when most college campuses bustle with activity: students hurrying to class or relaxing between classes on library steps or tree-covered lawns. Here, on the 200-acre campus of Antioch College, a 155-year-old liberal-arts institution best known nowadays for a campus culture that long ago drifted from the progressively liberal to the alarmingly radical (people still talk about the anti-date-rape policy that required a separate verbal consent for each step of an amorous encounter, famously parodied on Saturday Night Live in 1993), the phrase "bustling with activity" is not what comes to mind. What comes to mind is the neutron bomb.

(link) [Weekly Standard]

via MyAppleMenu Reader

08:15 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link

What's Inside: Nyquil, Fortified With Powerful Narcotics!

Read it and gag.

OK, you say the stuff works. But do you have any idea what you're drinking?

(link) [Wired Top Stories]

08:11 /Technology | 1 comment | permanent link

Topless Liverpudlians confined to tropical fish stores

What a headline! I still don't know how one pops one's clogs, but this is a hilarious bit'o'nonsense from El Reg ... enjoy!

A survey to determine which of Britain's laws merits the "most absurd" crown has named a ban on popping your clogs in the Houses of Parliament as worthy winner.

(link) [The Register]

Update: OK, I Googled it - apparently (and as referenced obliquely in the piece), when one pops one's clogs, one croaks, kicks the bucket, goes west, leaves the building, passes, pushes up daisies ... you get the idea.

08:10 /Humor | 1 comment | permanent link