Classic song's owner sues over spoof

Heretofore, parody has been protected. This one, however, is so politically incorrect that some courts (at least) may actually find it in violation of copyright for political reasons. If and when the satire/parody exception finally falls, Weird Al better start hiring some pretty good lawyers. And we'd all better get used to not laughing nearly as much.

AP - In the 67 years since its debut, "When You Wish Upon a Star" has been recorded by more than 100 artists and orchestras.

(link) [Yahoo! News: Top Stories]

07:02 /Copywrongs | 1 comment | permanent link

Gathering 'Storm' Superworm Poses Grave Threat to PC Nets

Scary stuff ...

Patient, versatile, adaptable and smart -- the humungous Storm worm represents the future of malware. Commentary by Bruce Schneier.

(link) [Wired Top Stories]

06:55 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link