How'd you like to be the neighbor, luring the wild critter with a sack of feed?
An escaped and raging bull attacked a neighbor's home, tearing off siding, ripping down part of a fence and damaging a car.
09:06 /Humor | 0 comments | permanent link
I wonder what these students would say if the teacher had taught them that the world was licked out of the ice by a cosmic cow? Literally.
A teacher at a US community college in Red Oak, Iowa says he was fired after telling his students not to interpret the story of Adam and Eve as a literal account of events circa BC 4000
(link) [The Register]08:30 /Asatru | 0 comments | permanent link
Not content with snatching candy from the mouths of babies, the Nutrition Police have settled on a new target ...
AP - It was just another morning at the senior center: Women were sewing, men were playing pool — and seven demonstrators, average age 76, were picketing outside, demanding doughnuts.
(link) [Yahoo! News: Top Stories]08:27 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link