Nonbelievers Find Strength in Numbers

Interesting piece, although I daresay that I'd hardly characterize this as a major trend. What I did find most interesting was this:

Nontheist is another term for atheist, or someone who does not believe in a supreme being.

By this standard. I'm one of them! None of the gods or goddesses of the North could remotely be considered "supreme" or even "all knowing". But somehow, I doubt that Richard Dawkins would consider me an atheist - despite the definition poffered above.

I've written on this subject before, at some length. I believe that many heathens (and, to varying extents, other pagans/wiccans/polytheists) do in fact meet the criteria as "atheists", even though we clearly do believe in gods. It's the plural that's the rub, of course.

This highlights the complete misunderstanding of the nature of plural deities by most modern folks - they've never stopped to consider that if there are many acknowledged "gods", that no one of them needs to be "supreme". They are so focused on the distractions provided by the logical contradictions of monotheism that they've completely forgotten that the original religions of mankind made a lot more sense in a lot of ways.

A legion of the godless is rising up against the forces of religiosity in American society.

(link) [Washington Post]

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06:40 /Asatru | 2 comments | permanent link

Fed may cut key interest rate

Not that I think it'll really matter much in the long run, but it'll be interesting to see what they do with the rates. They've almost painted themselves completely into a corner, with negative comments about raising rates, lowering rates and doing nothing. But you can rest assured that they'll escape somehow. It's always fun to watch pols in this position manage to scrape by with a straight face.

A serious bout of financial market instability has dramatically changed the debate at the Federal Reserve from worries about inflation to concerns about the possibility of a recession.

(link) []

06:20 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link