Fencing News

Yesterday we set 9 wooden line posts, 12 tee posts and 90 yards of fence across the east pasture. For each line post we used the power auger (the Earthquake) to bore a three foot hole, finishing it off with a shovel and post hole diggers. For each tee post I became a human pile driver, using a tee post hammer. 25 strokes each.

We set 47 inch cattle fence, and the stretching itself was done with a manual come-along from the south corder post.

We started at 8:30 am and ended at 8:30 pm. But it's done - we took advantage of the beautiful weather. Next weekend, more fencing. And maybe I'll mow the yard. Maybe.

06:37 /Home | 2 comments | permanent link

Two Articles and a Blog Post

for your monetary policy education. Read in order ...

Fed bends rules to help two big banks

If the Federal Reserve is waiving a fundamental principle in banking regulation, the credit crunch must still be sapping the strength of America's biggest banks. Fortune's Peter Eavis documents an unusual Fed move.

(link) [CNN/Money]

Subprime may be hitting credit cards, too

The credit crunch has begun to affect consumers' wallets in areas other than housing.

(link) [CNN/Money]

Top 8 Ways Hard Money Would Change Your Life

If I had to pick the single biggest reason why I'm a Ron Paul fan, it would be his monetary policy.

(link) [LewRockwell.com]

via Brad Spangler

06:18 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link

In Nature’s Casino

Long but fascinating article on insurance, math and catastrophe.

It was Aug. 24, 2005, and New Orleans was still charming. Tropical Depression 12 was spinning from the Bahamas toward Florida, but the chances of an American city’s being destroyed by nature were remote, even for one below sea level.

(link) [New York Times Magazine]

06:12 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link

NYC raid yields counterfeit cigarettes

The way we're treating tobacco, the next shipment will be from Columbia ... and the same folks who brought us the "War on Drugs" will bring us the "War on Tobacco".

Authorities seized nearly 600,000 packs of cigarettes with brand names like Marlboro and Newport, half of which are suspected of being counterfeits from China, prosecutors announced Monday.

(link) [Boston Globe]

05:54 /Politics | 1 comment | permanent link