Much Needed Rain

No blogging yesterday because, well, we set about 50 yards of new fence, and by the time we got in and ate and got cleaned up and I sat down at the computer, it was starting to storm. We had one power loss, so I shut down the systems, not wanting to risk any damage.

We had a gentle drizzle most of the night, along with copious amounts of thunder and lightening. Not nearly enough moisture, but some is better than none, as my momma always said, and I'm grateful for what we got. It looks promising today, too, with 80% chance of rain all the way through the wee hours of tomorrow morning.

We might get lucky.

Update: We got lucky, indeed!!!

06:53 /Home | 0 comments | permanent link

Little bear harbouring isolated neutron star

Well I'll be ... did they find the Dragon's Egg?

A group of American and Canadian astronomers have spotted what appears to be an isolated neutron star relatively near to Earth, the BBC reports.

(link) [The Register]

06:50 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link

DMCA Means You Can't Delete Files On Your PC?

You want ridiculous? This is ridiculous ...

According to Wired, John Stottlemire found a way to print duplicate coupons from by deleting some files and registry entires on his PC. Now he's being sued for a DMCA violation. He says, 'All I did was erase files or registry keys.' Says a lawyer: '[The DMCA] may cover this. I think it does give companies a lot of leverage and a lot of power.' So now the copyright cartels are saying that not only can we not copy things on our computers, but we can't delete things on our computers? Time to buy stock in Seagate.

(link) [Slashdot]

06:46 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link