Mormons miffed over coffee-swilling angel image

Maybe the Pope should trademark the cross and sue Lutherans. Maybe I should trademark Thor's Hammer and sue the local carpenter's union!

For a coffee shop, T-shirts of a Mormon angel with java flowing into his trumpet are selling well. But they don't have the blessing of religious leaders...The church informed Beazer that the angel's image is a registered trademark.

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19:03 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link

Footnote to a Sad Life

I've said nary a word about Anna Nicole Smith, and for good reason: I've never really wanted to deliver a "celebrity screed", and that's what would've come out. "Pathetic" is the only category she ever fit in my mind, and that's as politely as I can say it.

Which makes this piece from the Trib all the more poignant. And that's a word I never thought I'd use in connection with Anna Nicole Smith.

Death strips away the artifice we paint on to make our lives a little prettier than they actually were. In coldly answering the question, "How did this person die?" it delivers a grim little object lesson in the way a life actually went.

(link) [Chicago Tribune]

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