Free As In Beer

Have a GPL'd brewski!

When the name of your product is Free Beer, the jokes are inevitable. And for the group of Danish students and artists who came up with Free Beer, that's part of the point, but only part. Because while the name of their beer is meant to be playful, the point they are trying to make with it is a rather sophisticated one.

(link) [Boston Globe]

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07:20 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link

The Good Old Days?

I've heard this line of drivel before, and I'd like to thank Dr. Kennedy for setting things straight. You see, I grew up in the shadow of nuclear annihilation, "ducking and covering" in the fallout shelter with Tommy Turtle, and I don't wax nostalgic for it at all...

It was funny, in a grim sort of way. Last week, Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates responded to Russian President Vladimir V. Putin's polemical attack on the United States by remembering the 50-year Cold War as a "less complex time" and saying he was "almost nostalgic" for its return.

(link) [LA Times]

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07:15 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link