Time to begin 'adapting' to climate change?

Who was it that invented the phrase 'Adapt or die!'? Whoever it was, it was certainly good advice, and we would do well to follow it in this instance.

The World Bank is hiring experts in 'adaptation' to a warming world. Coastal planners are starting to take it into account.

(link) [Christian Science Monitor | Top Stories]

21:16 /Agriculture | 0 comments | permanent link

Mysterious ailment wiping out bees

You want something far more serious than bird flu to worry about? Here ya go ...

A mysterious disease is killing off U.S. honeybees, threatening to disrupt pollination of a range of crops and costing beekeepers hundreds of thousands of dollars, industry experts said on Monday.

(link) [CNN]

21:11 /Agriculture | 3 comments | permanent link

Mexico wants to partially decriminalize drugs

Well, I guess that now we'll find out if Mexico is a sovereign nation or just an unrecognized colonial possession...

Reuters - Mexican President Felipe Calderon's government wants to decriminalize first-time possession of small amounts of drugs in a move likely to draw criticism from U.S. anti-narcotics officials.

(link) [Yahoo! News: Top Stories]

21:07 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link

Urinal Tech

It seems as though that most ubitiquous of men's room fixtures is much in the news of late, with both hi and low tech makeovers. On the low tech side we have this tale of male training (via within the crainium), while our ever inventive embedded system designers have le pissoir talking back. I can only speak for myself here, but if my toilet starts talking to me, it's irrelevant what it says: I'll know I've had too much to drink!

My only question is what to think of the inevitable mash up: talking toilet bugs. I can't wait ...

19:42 /Humor | 0 comments | permanent link