Chinese Official Vows to Purify the Net

Just what we need: a "purified" Internet. Why is it we go to war over some tin pot dictator in the Middle East, and then grant this tyrannical behemoth "most favored nation" trade status?

China's Communist party leader, Hu Jintao today announced the intent to leverage the economic potential of the web while seeking to "purify the internet environment". He proposes to do this by maintaining "the initiative in opinion" on the internet and to "'raise the level guidance on the internet," thus civilizing and purifying the internet environment.

(link) [Slashdot]

21:38 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link

Boy's screaming kills chickens

We've had a few kids visit us that I'm sure could kill chickens with their screams. However, as we have all free range birds, there's no single target to concentrate on, and hence our birds survive!

But somehow your friendly farmer always seems to end up with a splitting headache after one of those tours....

Hundreds of chickens have been found dead in east China -- and a court has ruled that the cause of death was the screaming of a four-year-old boy who in turn had been scared by a barking dog, state media reported on Wednesday.

(link) [Yahoo!News]

via Secular Blasphemy

21:37 /Humor | 0 comments | permanent link

Microsoft's Immortal Computing

Interesting idea, but I wonder if they aren't missing the whole import of taking out a patent on it? Seems kinda self-defeating, to me.

Microsoft is working on a project they call 'immortal computing' which would let people store digital information in durable physical artifacts and other forms to be preserved and revealed to future generations, and maybe even to future civilizations. The artifacts would be designed to make the process of accessing the information clear with instructions in multiple languages or hieroglyphics. In one possible use, messages for descendants or interactive holograms might be stored on tombstones. The project was revealed when their patent application recently became public.

(link) [Slashdot]

21:03 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link

Do You Believe in Magic?

How much is "magic" and how much is astute observation? Is intuition "supernatural" or just speed processing by the finest computer on Midgard (the human brain)?

It reminds me of a great line from Arthur C Clarke: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

One of these days I'm gonna sit down and hold forth on my "Theory of Divination" - but it ain't gonna be tonight.

Scientists are trying to figure out why even the skeptics among us cling to lucky numbers, special game-day clothing and other odd rituals.

(link) [New York Times]

20:58 /Asatru | 1 comment | permanent link