I love his description of how Vista interacts with the user (and I think it's pretty much true of Windows in general):
Windows is very eager to tell you what's going on. Constantly. Plug something in, and you get a message. Unplug something and you get a message. If you're on a network that's having problems staying up, you'll get tons of messages telling you this. It's rather like dealing with an overexcited Boy Scout...who has a lifetime supply of chocolate-covered espresso beans. This gets particularly bad when you factor in things like the user-level implementation of Microsoft's new security features.
You may not agree with all of his points in the review, but you'll have to admit that this fellow (John C. Welch ) can write!
With Macworld set to start Jan. 8, InformationWeek has a detailed comparison that pits Mac OS X against Vista. According to reviewer John Welch, OS X wins hands down. The important point: he doesn't say Vista is bad, just that technically speaking, OS X remains way ahead.
(link) [Slashdot]23:27 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link
Overlawyered recently pointed out an article in the Times Online that the British Medical Journal was offering this prescription for obesity:
- Printing a helpline numbers for advice with all clothes sold with a waist of more than 40in for men and 37in for boys, women’s garments with a waist of more than 35in or size 16 or above, and more than 31in for girls
- Banning the placement of sweets and fatty snacks at or near shop tills and at children’s eye level
- Taxing processed foods that are high in sugar or saturated fat
- Introducing health checks for all school leavers, both primary and secondary
- Allowing new urban roads only if they have cycle lanes
- Establishing a dedicated central agency responsible for all aspects of obesity
How long before students with an "unacceptable" BMI are refused graduation?
Several states have begun sending students’ Body Mass Index scores home to parents, turning the reports into a new rite of childhood.
(link) [New York Times]23:17 /Politics | 3 comments | permanent link
I think I'll stick to putting a chicken in every pot ...
Microsoft chief totes a server for every home from CES 2007. Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates speaks with CNET News.com's Ina Fried and discusses his vision of each home having a server that will host files for multiple PCs.
23:17 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link