Girl's circumcision trial may be first in U.S.

The barbarians showed up at the gates, and we let them in.

Hopefully this fellow will be showing up at the gates of a Georgia penal facility real soon now... and will be not only let in but kept in for his 40 year maximum sentence, before he can reproduce again.

The trial of an Atlanta-area father accused of circumcising his 2-year-old daughter with scissors is focusing attention on an ancient African practice that experts say is slowly becoming more common in the U.S. as immigrant communities grow.

(link) [CNN]

13:13 /Home | 0 comments | permanent link

Fox: I wasn't acting or off medication

Has Limbaugh no shame? Or maybe he just thinks Mr. Fox should've taken some OxyContin.

In a response to charges by conservative talk-show host Rush Limbaugh, Michael J. Fox defended his appearance in recent political campaign ads, saying he was neither acting nor off his medication for Parkinson's disease.

(link) [CNN]

13:01 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link Domain Name Up For Sale

You know what'd be poetic justice? To have Barksdale, Clark or Andreessen buy this name, and then just redirect it to the IE7 start page ...

Internet domain name is going up for sale, with bids of over $1 million expected, the Wall Street Journal reports.

(link) [Slashdot]

12:45 /Humor | 0 comments | permanent link

The Raw Deal

Nice bit on raw milk, pro and con (surprisingly so, given the source). It's scary to hear government officials compare raw milk to pot and heroin. And the article does a nice job of covering all the ground, except for one small "detail" - which I consider the most important reason to seek out and find raw milk.

The piece mentions the improvement in sanitation that make pasteurization superfluous - what they don't mention is that while most "modern" dairies have certainly fixed the external sanitation issues that led to these regulations, they've actually gone backward with internal sanitation issues - today's cows in commercial herds are likely contaminated interally with E. coli 0157:H7, not to mention various antibiotic feed additives, growth hormones and the gods only know what else. There's no way I'd drink raw milk from a modern, commercial dairy! Hel, I have to wince every time I drink their pasteurized stuff!

But the Amish and other dairies mentioned in this piece use grass based dairy herds almost exclusively - and no GMO's, antibiotics or other tripe associated with "modern" farming. Not to mention all the modern external sanitation practices you could ever want. So, yes, their raw milk is safe - even the FDA doesn't have a case file on an illness caused by drinking raw milk from one of these sources.

But beware the stuff on supermarket shelves - if the FDA really wanted to warn folks about food hazards, that's where I'd put the labels.

The FDA says it's dangerous. Selling it is illegal. So why does an avid band of devotees swear by the virtues of unpasteurized milk?

(link) [Organic Consumers]

12:39 /Agriculture | 1 comment | permanent link