They're winning - the terrorists that is. We are being terrorized, constantly. This Administration has so screwed up the fight against international Islamic extremists as to defy belief. And the terrorists have essentially fired but one shot on American soil: 9/11. We've done the rest of their job for them.
We've passed draconian legislation that limits our freedom, invaded and subsequently became mired in a country that was never arguably a terrorist base and are in the process of hem-hawing and ignoring countries that do pose a serious (and nuclear) threat. The base from which the terrorist launched their only strike is still an "Islamic Republic" that oppresses women and kills infidels, the only difference being that the Taleban is gone and the new leadership is "democratically elected". Oh, and opium production has gone through the roof.
I'd feel safer if Donald Duck were President with Goofy as SecDef. Oh, wait a minute ...
Arresting would-be attackers becomes a pyrrhic victory if politicians and the media spread fear on the terrorists' behalf. Commentary by Bruce Schneier.
(link) [Wired News: Top Stories]
07:41 /Politics | 1 comment | permanent link
Strange comments from the guy who electrified folk music back in the 60's. I suspect he's talking more about modern audio engineering than the fact that modern music formats are digital, as CD's themselves are a digital format, and he doesn't seem to complain much about his sales of CD's.
On the other hand, there are those who swear that vacuum tubes and analog sounds are superior technologies... and those who hate digital cameras, preferring film.
You can't blame people for illegally downloading music for free, because that's about all it's worth, according to Bob Dylan, in an interview with Rolling Stone this month.
(link) [The Register]
07:07 /Technology | 3 comments | permanent link