Supreme Court hears eBay's patent appeal

Maybe they get it ... in any event, this case promises to be pivotal in the ongoing debate about the validity of so-called "business method" patents.

Some justices joke that patent related to "Buy it Now" feature in online auctions is too vague to be taken seriously.

(link) [CNET]

00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link

Who gives a @#$% about profanity?

I can curse like a sailor - in private situations. But I really do try to avoid using "inappropriate" language in public, and my darling wife will call me on the carpet if I get too out of control.

Curiously enough (or perhaps not) the swear words I try hardest to avoid are "God" and "Jesus Christ", finding it particularly hypocritical on my part to swear by deities that I don't acknowledge. Those are the major words of public cursing I hear others doing - not "fuck", "shit" or even "Hell", but a god's name! And a god the curser presumably honors! Go figure ... this isn't the "Age of Profanity", it's the Age of Stupidity.

You probably hear these words often, and more than ever before. But even though we can't print them, we can certainly ask: Are we living in an Age of Profanity?

(link) []

00:00 /Home | 0 comments | permanent link

Lukashenko regime is 'beyond the pale'

There's no doubt that Belarus is Not a Nice Place™ ... but I've not heard of people being threatened with judicial execution for changing religions there. I don't think they have a Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and the Suppression of Vice. And you never hear of an honor killing in Minsk, do you?

Methinks our State Department may have it's priorities a tad bit skewed.

AFP - Belarus President Alexander Lukoshenko, who claimed victory recently in a disputed election, runs a regime that is "beyond the pale," US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said.

(link) [Yahoo! News: Top Stories]

00:00 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link