Never thought I'd link a piece on WorldNutDaily that I agreed with, but it seems as though the wingnuts on the far Right are becoming aware of NAIS. They even included a link to! They're getting afraid. Very afraid.
As they should be. But here's the real question: with the Left opposing NAIS too, why is the program still steamrolling ahead? It's a bipartisan issue, with its only support seeming to come from the bureaucracy and corporate agribusinesses. Makes you wonder who our Congresscritters are really listening to, eh? Well, OK, it shows you flat out who holds the real power in this nation. And it ain't us.
Reaction to the National Animal Identification System is shining a light on a growing problem that independent producers believe is threatening the entire livestock industry. Vertical marketing practices in the meat processing industry, combined with the industry's access to and influence on the Department of Agriculture and Congress, has the small producer against the ropes. The NAIS may be the final blow that puts independent ranchers and small farmers down for the count.
(link) [World Net Daily]
via TMN, who also runs an anti-NAIS blog at
00:00 /Agriculture | 0 comments | permanent link
Well, some minor changes going on around here, and I thought I'd point them out.
I've removed the references to Technorati that used to appear in the left panel: I can't ever seem to get onto the system, and when I do, their scanning mechanism is so flawed it makes me wonder about their utility. They counted 23 links to this site last time they reported with something other than a "We're too busy to be bothered with your request" - I counted 35, and the Blogging Ecosystem counted 74.
I would like to link the Ecosystem from the panel, but they have some issues, too. Like listing this blog thrice, once for the main feed, and twice for category feeds. Curiously, they counted internal links from one category but not the other: in any event, their adjusted link count came out about right, even though they left off one of my best blogging buddies.
I also made some corrections/additions to the blogroll. Steve Tucker's blog is now named correctly, and I added some libertarian journals: Armed and Dangerous from the libertarian right and Mutualist Blog on the libertarian left. Pay especial attention to the latter: I'll have more to say about some of my ongoing political evolution (or devolution) Real Soon Now™.
00:00 /Home | 0 comments | permanent link