What if Microsoft marketed the iPod?

Here's a link to a hilarious video on a "Microsoft iPod". Too funny (and too true). Could be subtitled "Simplicity. Who needs it?"

And while we're on the subject of funny iPod stuff, from over at Daring Fireball comes this link to the discussion thread on MacRumors following the announcement of the original iPod. Good thing Apple didn't listen to their customers!

As rumors about Microsoft's top-secret "origami" project continue to circulate, this parody is particularly timely. YouTube is...

(link) [CNET News.com]

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Print on demand can make you an author

This will do for the publishing houses what Napster did for the music biz ... eventually they'll have to change their business models or die on the vine.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that within every one of us a book is waiting to be written. With the advent of print-on-demand technology, it's cheaper than ever to publish it yourself.

(link) [U.S. News & World Report]

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