This guy's obviously not the brightest bulb in the chandelier ... but, on the other hand, what was he supposed to do? Grab an automatic weapon and seek to recover his property himself? I'm sure that would've made the police happier: then they'd have another incident of "drug violence" to point out when demanding more money to wage the war on weeds...
Truth is, "drug violence" would disappear almost entirely if drugs were legal. The violence associated with the drug trade is not associated with the drugs themselves, but with their legal status. Markets need legal regulation: that's what courts and laws about property crimes directly address. When this regulation is removed, as is the case with drugs and prostitution, market players have to furnish it themselves. Usually with a machine gun.
An 18-year-old drug dealing master criminal is languishing in Utah County Jail after reporting the theft of his stash to police, the Deseret Morning News reports.
(link) [The Register]
00:00 /Politics | 3 comments | permanent link
I'm offended! Recall our ambassador! Storm the Turkish embassy! Demand apologies!!
In the most expensive Turkish movie ever made, American soldiers in Iraq crash a wedding and pump a little boy full of lead in front of his mother.
00:00 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link
But I'm sure she's heard some on the radio: without a license! Thief! Sue her! I especially liked one of the Slashdot commenter's "quote of the day":
The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
-- Hunter S. Thompson
Marie Lindor, a home health aide who has never bought, used, or even turned on a computer in her life, was sued by the RIAA in Brooklyn federal court for using an 'online distribution system' to 'download, distribute, and/or make available for distribution' plaintiff's music files. She has requested a pre-motion conference in anticipation of making a summary judgment motion dismissing the complaint and awarding her attorneys fees under the Copyright Act.
00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link