Microsoft loses $126 on each Xbox 360

This is the first thing I've read that makes me want to buy one ... and set it in the closet.

Redmond will sell every Xbox console at a big loss, says researcher iSuppli. Not to worry; the profit is in the associated software.

(link) [CNET]

00:00 /Technology | 1 comment | permanent link

Flu Season

and I've got it. No, it's not avian flu, but, in the interest of public safety, I figured I'd pass on some of the key warning signs that you might be infected with "bird flu":

  • High fever
  • Congestion
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Aching in the joints
  • An irresistible urge to crap on someone's windshield.

Humor, but not the flu, via within the crainium

00:00 /Home | 2 comments | permanent link