Loyalty to one's ethnic group just as biologically valid as loyalty to family

I had to read this through a couple of times before I really "got" what they're saying here, but it's really little more than common sense. Which in this age of "diversity training" and "sensitivity sessions" is anything but common.

Co-ethnics are as similar to each other as are half-siblings when compared to all the genetic variation in the world, reports a paper in the October issue of Nations and Nationalism. Two-random English people are the equivalent of 1/32 cousin compared with Germans; 3/8 cousin compared with people from the Near East; . cousin compared with people from India; half-siblings compared with people from China; and like full-sibs compared with Africans.

(link) [EurekAlert]

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Jumpy Enough to Chew a Chair? Try DogCatRadio

Gotta love the playlist: Ain't Nothin' but a Hound Dog, Cat's in the Cradle ... And what about the ads? Brought to you by Milk Bones and Fancy Feast?

A new Internet radio station for pets aims to keep the loneliness at bay while owners are out.

(link) [NYT > Home Page]

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