Gas Prices Drive Man to Commute by Horse (AP)

But I'll bet he drives his pickup this winter, despite the price of gas ... especially in Minot.

AP - Jim Jundt was so determined to rein in his spending on gasoline that he got out of bed early and rode his 14-year-old quarterhorse mare to work.

(link) [Yahoo! News: Top Stories]

00:00 /Humor | 0 comments | permanent link

Liability fears delayed evacuation order

That's the headline of this post from Overlawyered. And having had some personal experience with our vaunted legal system, I can believe it. Read it and weep ...

00:00 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link

Wrath of God?

Some folks are describing Hurricane Katrina as the "wrath of God" (the Judeo-Christian one, of course) poured out on Sin City:

“New Orleans now is abortion free. New Orleans now is Mardi Gras free. New Orleans now is free of Southern Decadence and the sodomites, the witchcraft workers, false religion -- it's free of all of those things now," [Rev. Bill ] Shanks says. "God simply, I believe, in His mercy purged all of that stuff out of there -- and now we're going to start over again."

Here's news bulletin for the good pastor: the French Quarter - the "Heart of Darkness", home to Mardi Gras, voodoo and "false religion" - survived relatively unscathed. It seems as though it was the "good Christian" neighborhoods which are flooded out entirely. They're actually still holding an abbreviated version of one of the events the good reverend complains about: "Southern Decadence", the annual gay pride march, is going on today as scheduled, although without the crowds it's attracted in past years (obviously).

Now, granted, this probably has a lot more to do with geography than Divine acts - the French Quarter is the oldest part of the city, built on the highest ground and almost entirely above sea level.

But I wish that folks like this cretin would at least make sure their brains are loaded before shooting off their mouths: if I must have enemies, at least let me face worthy opposition, rather than the blindingly stupid bunch of bozos that currently pass for the Religious Right.

via WildHunt Weblog, where Jason has also posted the latest edition of the Carnival of the Pagans.

00:00 /Asatru | 2 comments | permanent link