'Pistol Pete' Mascot Will Lose Pistol

Just when I thought I'd seen the height of politically correct stupidity in mascot names, this shows up.

So I want to lodge my own protest with the professional sports leagues - as an American of Hiberno-Scandinavian descent, I am horribly offended by those horned helmets on the Minnesota Vikings (terribly historically inaccurate, and promoting savagery!), and the diminutive leprechaun (what a racist image!) of the Boston Celtics! These just have to go before they mortally wound my ethnic pride!!!

AP - New Mexico State University's mascot, Pistol Pete, is being disarmed. University officials have also stripped the word "Pistol" from Pete's name. The new logo shows Pete twirling a lasso. The old Pete toted a pistol.

(link) [Yahoo! News: Top Stories]

00:00 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link

HBO enlists Firefox for series promotion

Clever idea! I gotta try to find this one. I'm just sorry that we have satellite turned off right now, 'cause the series sounds like it oughta be a good show.

Television cable channel HBO designs a downloadable "skin" for the Web browser in the custom theme of its upcoming series "Rome."

(link) [CNET News.com]

00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link

Animals warn of human health hazards in new 'canary database'

Now this is a good idea!

Yale School of Medicine has launched a state-of-the-art database funded in part by the National Library of Medicine, called the Canary Database, containing scientific evidence about how animal disease events can be an early warning system for emerging human diseases.

(link) [EurekAlert! - Breaking News]

00:00 /Agriculture | 0 comments | permanent link