And these Hollywood moguls have the nerve to complain about peer networks ripping them off! Wow ... wish I had that much chutzpah!
As paradoxical and absurd as it sounds, it's cheaper for a Hollywood studio to make a big-budget action movie than to make a shoestring art film like Sideways. Consider Paramount's 2001 action flick Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. On paper, Tomb Raider's budget was $94 million. In fact, the entire movie cost Paramount less than $7 million. How did the studio collect over $87 million before cameras started rolling?
00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link
Ohmigosh! It seems as though very few of us swallow all the government propaganda throw at us in the guise of 'health advice'! Whatever are we going to do? The author of this study has a suggestion:
"We need to do much more societally and in terms of government in making an environment where it is a lot easier to do this..."
You can supply your own translation. Random fat checks, anyone? Mandatory exercise programs? Perhaps we're on the road to a truly Healthy State.
Only 3 percent of Americans follow health advice to keep the weight off, exercise regularly, eat five or more servings of fruit and vegetables a day and avoid smoking, according to a report issued Monday.
00:00 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link
The egg route has been a huge success, so much so that I had to ask the Reporter to pull the ad I've been running. We're selling about 30 dozen eggs a week now, and I was only getting about 12 dozen out of my girls. I was buying the rest from neighbors I trust, but the time was now to purchase some new birds of our own. I got 30 Golden Comet pullets last Sunday from a dealer in Muncie.
I say pullets but these are mostly yearling hens: last years pullets. And do these girls lay eggs! They're not the prettiest brown color I've ever seen, but the quality of taste and the sheer quantity makes up for it! We now own 76 laying hens, and are on track to produce 34 dozen a week. And that's in the winter: I wonder if we'll be swimming in yolks by the time July gets here!
00:00 /Home | 0 comments | permanent link