The real title of the article should be "Texas Oilman Seeks Sucker for God [anywhere he can]" ...
John Brown, a born-again Christian and founder of Zion Oil & Gas of Dallas, can quote chapter and verse about his latest drilling venture in Israel...
for an expanded take, see Dispatches from the Culture Wars
00:00 /Humor | 0 comments | permanent link
I wonder what they would've done with the coins (featuring Sacagawea) pictured here. They're legal tender too, and I pass them out as change on my egg route all the time - along with $2 bills. "Makes folks remember you" is what one retail pro told me.
I would say that this'll insure I never shop at Best Buy again, but the service and quality issues I've run into there over the years has pretty much chased me away already.
When Mike Bolesta went to pay his bill at Best Buy, he had no idea he'd end up in trouble with the Secret Service for supposed counterfeiting.
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Here are some extremely useful but obscure curses for dealing with politicians, bosses, ex-wives and the other assorted rudenesses that pass for life in the modern world.
And if those aren't enough for you, there are 388933 more, all available on demand at the Elizabethan Curse Generator.
00:00 /Humor | 0 comments | permanent link
Lot's of folks, including me, blogged this when it first hit the wire. Now it seems that there may be more to the story - or less, as the case may be.
The woman who claims she bit into a human finger while eating chili at a Wendy's restaurant has a history of filing lawsuits -- including a claim against another fast-food restaurant.
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