Anti-AARP Ad Used Stolen Photograph of Gay Couple

Reading many of my more conservative fellow bloggers one could easily get the impression that only the political left engages in duplicity, lying and media manipulation. I offer the following as a corrective to that misapprobation...

More moronity from the people responsible for last month's "AARP hates troops and loves gay marriage" idiocy. Legal trouble may be brewing for the agency that produced a controversial anti-AARP ad for the conservative lobbying group USA Next. The ad, which appeared on the American Spectator's web site last month, purported to illustrate "The Real AARP"...

(link) []

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Drugs to Quit Smoking Said Show Promise

Is it just me, or does anyone else see the irony and absurdity here?

"It's the biggest addiction market there is," said Dr. Herbert D. Kleber, a psychiatry professor and addiction researcher at Columbia University. "Is it realistic to be able to help addicts stop smoking and remain off with a pill? I think the answer is yes and we're working on a number of them."

We have a saying here in the Midwest to indicate that there's no difference between two thing: six of one and a half dozen of the other. That saying fits this bizarre scenerio perfectly...

AP - Researchers are racing to develop a drug that would make smoking as treatable — and lucrative — as erectile disfunction, high cholesterol and acid reflux disease.

(link) [Yahoo! News: Top Stories]

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