Napster's music free, after all

Stream rippers can't be blocked, even with the M$ hardware solution. This is the 'analog hole' in all it's glory, and it exists because our eyes and ears are analog devices. Until they re-engineer humans to be fully digital, they can forget copy protecting music or video.

Subscription music services battle ability to turn copy-protected downloads into unprotected files.

(link) [CNET]

Update: Steve Jobs noticed.

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Are Bullies After Our Culture?

Sounds like a great book ... the real question is if anyone will pay attention to it. For about $14,000 an organization could send a copy to every member of Congress - but given the fact that industry lobbyists spend that much on outings for a single member, how could you guarantee it'd even get read, much less believed?

We have the finest government money can buy ....

David Bollier's Brand Name Bullies seeks to expose the 'quest to own and control our culture.' But the book's real value is in its numerous case studies of copyright and trademark battles. By Amit Asaravala.

(link) [Wired News]

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